Nahuatl/Nawat in Central America

The digital archive Nahuatl/Nawat in Central America (in Spanish, El Náhuatl/Náhuat en Centro América, or NECA) brings together a corpus of handwritten, colonial-era texts produced in Central America in variations of the related Mesoamerican languages of Nahuatl and Nahuat (or Nawat). It highlights the significant number of historical Nahuatl documents from this predominantly Maya region and encourages their collaborative study across national, scholarly, community, and disciplinary lines. Many of the documents archived by NECA are fragments within larger Spanish-language documents and are thus difficult to locate from archival guides alone. So far, the documents come from eight repositories in Guatemala, Mexico, Spain, and the United States. NECA depends on contributions from scholars and aims to be dynamic; references to new items can be sent to or directly to
